(Note: This program is currently in no-cost extension). This program is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (grant #SMA-1005256) for the purpose of training undergraduate students in the specific research areas of TDLC, including machine learning, cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience. Participation in the program is during the academic year, from September to June, with cohort sizes ranging from 8 – 12 trainees per year. The core of the training experience is participation in a designated research project in one of TDLC’s labs over the 9-month period. Trainees receive a stipend, limited compensation for travel to relevant conferences and Center meetings, and professional development training. Through the leadership of our Center’s faculty, and structured events and activities, the program will provide participants with a rigorous research experience that will further prepare them for advanced work in their respective fields.
We encourage you to tour our web site, where you will find information about the program, an event calendar (below), current research projects, and the application process and deadlines.
REU Introduction to Research Ethics
REU Orientation Presentation
Note: For more information about specific events, please contact Kate Shanks: kshanks@ucsd.edu.